Wednesday, 20 May 2009


Pretty Chefchaouen. Memories of it's relaxed atmosphere, fresh mountain air and pretty whitewashed/blue-rinsed medina almost make me forget the few negative experiences I had (shifty guy at the bus station who pretended to know my fellow travellers and led me to the hostel and ripped me off; taxi driver who tried to rip me off; bus timetable at hostel being wrong thus having to wait in the bus station for several hours; being harrassed by little, Moroccan boys (see rant); numerous offers for hash etc). Nevertheless, Chefchaouen was a gorgeous place where my camera worked overtime.

Some photos. Enjoy!

Views from roof terrace

Waterfall where locals meet up and chill
Setting sun

Cows on the hillside
Spanish Mosque

The ruins of the Spanish Mosque
from the tower
Spice Stall
Everyone say, "Tajine!"

Dinner (I had the cous cous aux poulet)
Goofy photoThe Kasbah

The Mosque
View from hostel front door
The main square where I breakfasted
The Mosque
The Kasbah
The Medina

I bought my djellaba pants from here

Inside a Moroccan ware shop

The Waterfall

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